Breakfast Tacos

Breakfast Tacos

When you need a high protein meal prep breakfast idea that makes a quick breakfast in the morning, this Breakfast Tacos recipe will satisfy all those requirements and it tastes great! Most everyone has heard of the breakfast burrito because they are on the menu 

Scrambled Eggs Primavera

Scrambled Eggs Primavera

The emergence of Spring brings with it the fresh vegetables that we all crave at the end of a long winter. As such, the Italians came up with a descriptor of the freshness of the season in the word primavera. Basically, primavera is spring vegetables 

Instant Oatmeal Jars

Instant Oatmeal Jars

One of my favorite on-the-go breakfasts are homemade instant oatmeal jars.  Not only are they economical, but they are quick, completely portable and so, so simple to make!  I throw one of these in my work bag in the morning, fill with water from our 

Perfect Eggs Benedict

Perfect Eggs Benedict

This week, I had the rare treat of being home all morning during the middle of the week. It does not happen often, but when it does I treat myself with a nice breakfast. (Besides, the puppy’s internal alarm clock goes off at the same 

Maine Berry Smoothie:  How to Make A Smoothie

Maine Berry Smoothie: How to Make A Smoothie

Learning how to make a smoothie is a tasty way to add extra servings of fruits and vegetables into your diet! It is berry season in Maine, and I am in heaven!  The new property has revealed tons of Maine wild low-bush blueberries, wild raspberries,